
As a member of the FireService Management Network we offer fire departments a complete online history and tracking of their gear. Our reports are designed to meet all the reporting requirements set forth in NFPA 1851 – 2020 as well as any state reporting requirements that may apply. Our reports also help fire departments to better manage their turnout gear, plan for replacements, and track how much money is being spent on care and maintenance.

Advanced Cleaning, Advanced Inspection and Complete Liner Report & Department Activity Summary

This report includes a list of all garments that were submitted for an Advanced Cleaning as described in NFPA 1851 – 2020 Edition, Section 7.3, and/or repairs within a specified time period. It also includes a list all garments that received an Advanced Inspection as described in NFPA 1851 – 2020 Edition, Section 6.3, within a specified time period.

Department Inventory Report

This report displays all garments serviced and includes firefighter name, date of manufacture, manufacturer, serial number and size.

FSM Historical Summary

This report displays the history of the repair work done on a specific garment.

Call today for your Customer ID and Password.

If these have been issued, follow the steps to the right to get started.

Reports can also be mailed.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on FSM Reporting at top of the page
  3. Select FSM Detroit for your service area
  4. Enter Customer ID and Password

Questions? Call us. We are happy to help.